Members FAQs

Quickly find the information you need below. Use the pink buttons to skip to individual sections. 

Access to Care

How do I schedule an appointment?

How do I contact my doctor, nurse, or health coach?

How do I reach my doctor when the office is closed?

How do I access Wellness University?

What if I'm having trouble accessing Wellness University?

How do I get prescriptions refills?

How do I get care if I'm out of town?

Can my out-of-town guest be seen by my doctor?

What happens if I have an emergency or am admitted to the hospital?

Can you help me with referrals and specialist appointments?

Will my PartnerMD doctor make house calls?

The Patient Portal

What can I do using the Patient Portal?

How do I access the Patient Portal for the first time?

How do I reset my password?

How do I get technical help with the portal?

Office Visits

How long does an office visit usually last?

How will I get appointment reminders?

How does telehealth work?

Does PartnerMD offer on-site x-rays?

What happens if the office closes due to bad weather?

On what holidays is the office closed?

Billing & Insurance

How can I use my FSA or HSA at PartnerMD?

Can I pay my bill for medical services online?

How do I get help with medical billing?

How can I pay for my membership?

Can I change my membership billing cycle?

How do I get help with membership billing?

How does PartnerMD work with my insurance?

Do I still need to pay a copay?

How can I update my insurance information?

Changes to Your Membership

How do I cancel my membership?

How do I update my contact info for medical and billing info?

How do I update my email preferences for newsletters and general communication?

Additional Resources

What are advance care directives?

What is an ACO?

How do I request my medical records?